One Service on October 27 at 10:00AM


Sunday, October 27th has been selected as “Pastor Appreciation Sunday” for our Baldwin family. This is a time when we come together to show our appreciation to  Pastor Phil and Debbie for all they do in aiding us in our Christian journey with God.

The two regular church services will be joined into one with it being held in the Educational Hall at 10:00 am. Sunday School will be during this time also. A Potluck Luncheon will immediately follow. We are asking each family to join us for this church wide service and potluck. Please being a dish to share with your family and friends.

To facilitate the various dishes brought we are asking that you bring a dish according to your last name alpha letter as listed below. The SPPRC will provide the rolls, condiments and beverages.

A-E = Desserts   F-L = Main Dish     M-R = Vegetable Side Dish   S-Z = Salad

Note:  Please mark your dish if it is vegetarian or contains nuts or peanut butter. This will help the serving lines move along and aide in food selections.  Also, please label your dish/serving items so it can be returned to you.