
Covid-19 certainly impacted our music program, and we are in the process of rebuilding our offerings.  

In 2019, the decision was made to update the sound system in the stone church.  We removed our failing organ but left the beautiful pipes that adorn our narthex.  We purchased a 6′ K Kawai piano, and the sound beautifully fills our church.  With Easter 2022, we also introduce our new sound system, including our new electronic organ, and speakers that blend beautifully in our stone sanctuary.

The Baldwin music ministry program is organized to match and adapt to the talents of our members.  Below are some of the traditions of our music ministry that we hope to restore as we regain our footing after Covid-19:

  • CHURCH MUSICAL – Each March a church music drama is presented by a cast and crew of all ages.  Instrumentalists share their talents throughout the year at various events and services.  New members of all ages and experience are welcome in both vocal and instrumental programs.  
  • Youth CHOIR – The Cherub Choir is available for children from Pre-K to 1st grade rehearse during Sunday school.  The Children’s Choir, with youth from 2nd to 5th grade, typically rehearse on a weekday afternoon or evening.  The Cherub Choir and Children’s Choir share music at special services and our annual music drama.  Dependent on particular talents and interests, our Teen Troupe allows youth from junior and senior high to share their special gifts and talents through worship arts (drama, music, art).
  • The Chancel Choir leads music at the 10:30AM service each Sunday, church holidays and with our annual music drama.  Adult and experienced senior high singers rehearse on Thursday evenings in the choir room in the church.
  • The Praise Team joins with our music director on the electronic organ to lead music at the 9AM informal service each Sunday.  The make-up of our praise team varies according to the talents and interests of the members of our congregation.  Adults and instrumentalists rehearse at 8:20AM on Sunday mornings in the Fellowship Hall of the Education building.
  • HANDBELLS – The Baldwin Ringers are a traditional hand bell group and share monthly and church holidays. Adult and youth experienced and new ringers rehearse weekly (usually Thursdays) in the choir room of the church.

Join us at a rehearsal or contact music director, Dale Carrigan, at the church office for more information.