Come One Come All to Vacation Bible School

VBS LogoVacation Bible School will be held July 29 to August 2, 2013.

At our “Everywhere Fun Fair” Vacation Bible School 2013 we will meet neighbors from the bible and explore the everyday lives of neighbors from different places.
With Everywhere Fun Fair, our children will explore how other children of all cultures can be friends and neighbors to one another, discover God at work in their lives and experience the welcoming, transforming love of God that empowers growth in faith and ongoing decisions to love and serve God and neighbor.
Many of us have enjoyed the sights and sounds of a fair. Some of us have had an opportunity to travel away from home. Through this Vacation Bible School program, we will have the fun of a kid-friendly fair and the beauty of God’s world right here at Baldwin Memorial United Methodist Church.
Download the VBS Registration Form and submit it to the church office or bring it the first morning of VBS.
Volunteers are needed and we would like to fill the positions as soon as possible because some require advanced planning. Thank you to everyone who has helped to make VBS a success in the past. Many volunteers are needed again to live up to what we have done each and every year. If you would like to help with VBS or would like more information, please contact Ashley Harris at A bulletin board with needed items is located in the Education building next to the church office.

If you have not already completed volunteer forms, please download them from our safe sanctuary page and arrange to attend the safe sanctuary training on July 14 at 10:00AM or on July 21 at 11:45AM.